
EDS team of professional arboriculturists provide a wide range of services addressing all aspects of Arboriculture. Utilising a variety of expertise and technologies we provide an efficient and accurate service to clients in a format that is ready to use.
All our survey information can be provided in ArchiCad BIM or other digital formats.
Arboricultural Method Statements and an accompanying Tree Protection Plan in accordance with BS 5837 Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction are often required by LPA’s as part of a Planning Condition to approved development application to demonstrate how trees will be safeguarded from damage during the construction phases and to provide details on working methodologies for installing a wide range of tree protection systems and measures.
Such statements and plans will include if appropriate details on: tree protection fencing, ground protection specifications, engineering solutions to overcome needing to undertake construction operations within rooting zones, ground and soil amelioration treatments pre and post construction and a range of tree survey work.
As part of a method statement and to satisfy planning conditions, there is also often a requirement to monitor tree protection systems so that they remain effective throughout the duration of construction. Employing an arboriculturalist to oversee tree protection will reassure LPA’s that tree protection will be ensured.
ADSe have considerable expertise in the preparation of a wide range of arboricultural method statements and proactively liaise with our clients, developers, engineers and architects amongst others to provide advice on all aspects of tree protection. Where need arises to find solutions to complex design issues, EDS draw on their years of experience to provide arboricultural advice to satisfactorily discharge conditions.